Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Liberate your art postcard swap - received my first postcard!

Kat Sloma's liberate your art postcard swap.  254 artists from around the world signed up to participate in the sharing of their images/art on a printed postcard.  Each participant sent 5 postcards to Kat, who then collected, organized and distributed them back out into the world.  We will all receive 5 postcards in the mail from fellow "SWAPPERS" and one from Kat.
This was a great project... Thanks Kat for all the fun!
This postcard is from Brenda Gottsabend from how to feather an empty nest.  She likes to repeat elements in her photographs to create a different reality... her alternate world.


  1. Janice - it was very cool to see my postcard, having arrived in your world. I hope you enjoyed it!

  2. Hi Janice!

    Just received your lovely postcard of the Santa Barbara Mission and the lily pond. Thanks for taking the trouble to write such a long and interesting screed!

    Wishing you a happy summer...

    Helen. :)

  3. What a lovely blog! I received your post card - Yosemite is gorgeous! I will be doing one big post about the swap when I get the rest of the cards. Have you signed up for yet? It's my blog directory of the "creatively inclined" and we have a photography section. Hope to see you there.
