Friday, November 26, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Baby Shower invitations

I've been cutting and gluing and making bows all day... the invitations are now ready to be mailed.

a trip to farmers market

I love all the color at the farmers market.  Everything is so fresh and yummy.  Marigolds... tomatoes....leeks and persimmons.

pumpkins on the porch

I didn't get around to carving Jack-o-lanterns this year, so I'll enjoy these pumpkins through Thanksgiving.  Maybe I will carve some welcoming luminaries?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

snow day event at One Way boardshop...Colt, his girlfriend Taylor, and Clint

So long....

Clint has been growing his hair out for 3 years.  He finally decided it was time to give it up, ready to donate it for a better cause... I thought he might shed a tear at the thought of loosing his mojo, but no... he handled it like a man!  12 inches were donated to locks of love.

The final cut.